Network surface

 From:  blenddoodler
481.49 In reply to 481.44 

"But it takes a lot of effort to document how to use MoI in combination with a programming language. The documentation and support work far outweighs just having the embedded language capability. I don't expect to have enough time to do proper documentation of this type of scripting for the V1 release of MoI, but it is something that I would like to focus on more in future versions." --Michael
I sure understand. At some point you have to, Michael, imo. Perhaps at version 2.x(?) Not that it is badly needed at the moment. I've heard of Moi before and grabbed the then current beta which was months ago. It's grown pretty fast. Arrays are now there and the booleans and fillets work perfectly and it no longer crashes! But it will even grow faster if there is some kind of audience participation. It's what made AutoCAD the way it is today, its open architecture. It's still Autodesk's flagship, it's main bread and butter. Now it's got Maya and Max. You may be be able to buy Adobe someday, hehe. And Corel. Or Newtek. ;-)