Anyone wish to develop a custom script?

 From:  Unknown user
hey brian,

i went ahead and found the tangent points needed. so this elimates that work for you. you can now just import the points and curve fit it. you still need to use them as control points rather than through points. going over it i noticed i took out one point for the same reason you have to use them as control points. the naca data points are just plain off some. so these two changes get them to work out nice. i moved the points to make the arcs at the end of the table for you. give this a shot. you should be able to directly make a spline from the data then just lay in the last four points. a simple mirror and two arc commands followed by a join and sweep will finish the model. same method as before, just don't have to find and add the tangent points.


edit; see updated version, in a later post.