Anyone wish to develop a custom script?

 From:  Unknown user
4801.69 In reply to 4801.68 
Hi Brian,

I tried renaming them after I posted that message and it worked out. But glad to know that is what I was supposed to do. The first two pics you posted in your last message look good. I couldn't quite tell about the third pic. It really seems like you know what you are doing now though. Thanks again for all your hard work. I look forward to the next version. I will be away from the computer for most of the day.


P.S. I played with some of the blade generation options this time and it seems like it is working. Didn't do a definitive check. But I tried counterclockwise rotation with forward sweep, and elliptical chord distribution, and a different chord, and it all recalculated fine. This is going to be a real time saver. Would it be possible to show the points on the rail lines. Also having the rail lines, rail points, in their own layer. And the airfoil curve(s) and airfoil points in their own layer.