Game controller joystick

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
4794.24 In reply to 4794.23 but difficult....

i invite you guys to download Mike's handle and have a look to his cool loft:Thanks again Mike !!
He made a brand new handle,i want to add just left part saving the -egg shaped-head
so start from the bottom extracting first section,rebuild and deleted the old one,i made 10 of them respecting right handle's profile

made the loft then first blend(red) between loft and head edges

now second blend(green) then trunkated part in excess

and this is

then i tried different approach using external loft edge to extract main curve for sweep(network solution give too bulges like result)
first surface(orange) made by S2 section and two rails R1-R2
second surface(green) just one section S1 and two rails R1-R2
then i trunkated green surface to match head's edge projecting a line on it,then made a blend(cyan surface)

spending more time we can have better results but it's just's enough !!
anyway we have shared different approaches to do the same thing
Merry Christmas

EDITED: 19 Dec 2021 by M-DYNAMICS