Game controller joystick

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Hi to all:
I got some free time so i resumed an old challenge:how to model my son's joystick -TRUST QZ 501 PREDATOR-

When i bought it i already imagined how to model.That time(5-6 years ago) i used Autocad for solid modeling, then i discovered Moi but i was unable to model it
Now this is my approach


Start with the bottom:basically is an emisphere with carvings,so first ,on top wiew, draw contour lines in the main circle

Now draw an arc then move central point like photo,so revolve to obtain a solid

Copy front curves on top of the emisphere than project them on it,so delete central point (see red arrows ),join projected curves to trunk the solid

make four sweep surfaces start from the grey one:A-A sections,B-B rails.Mantain this order to all

Repeat same operations to the back part

Now 3 sweep surfaces,red and blue have one section(yellow curve),green one three sections (yellow)

Make a blend operation to obtain a wavy surface without visible joints:draw two red lines in back wiew than add a new point in the middle and move it to have a curve
use TRUNK command to cut the surface like in photo,then delete the inner parts

select edges and do the BLEND

now use a plane to cut the bottom part and the excess of the blend operation.Now select all bottom edges,join them and make PLANAR surface,select all surfaces and UNION BOOL.
If everything is correct you'll obtain a solid like result.I always try to obtain solids,easy to manage filleting and booleans operations.

Now the handle (joystick):
Original model have a bulge on the left to improve and make an ergonomic positioning for the hand's gamer,but if the gamer use the left hand that become not usable so i decided to model for both right-left hand-users.
('s a lie..i don't want to make so many sections to do a loft,like the original..i'll use a quick way like i did for the boots..)
Sweep is my favorite tool:give an immediate feedback,easy to's a loft with guides.On side wiew draw profile of the handle,draw a curve in the middle(yellow) and use it to trunk the profile to obtain two rails(A blue-A red)
make first bottom circle then copy and manage its points to obtain FIVE sections,last one showed by points will give the shape of the head.

..ok i didn't make like original one,,too easy? i'll make inner part too,slicing the handle in the middle,shell and make "male-female" joint between two parts

added front throttle wheel and buttons


EDITED: 19 Dec 2021 by M-DYNAMICS