Missing something ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4789.5 In reply to 4789.4 
No problem eric!

So the part that can get interesting is that you can use it in combination with using Styles.

Say for example you already are using Styles to organize a lot of components of your house - maybe you've got a roof that is made up of several different styles for different pieces of things, but then you also want a quick way to hide and show the entire roof sometimes as well.

You can do that by assigning the name "Roof" to all the objects that make up the roof, and then you'll have a "Roof" entry in the Objects section that you can use to hide or show those objects in one click even though they are made up of a bunch of different styles between them.

Basically those different sections of the scene browser can give you some different organizational methods that all work on the same actual model.

- Michael