Pro Smooth Blending of objects Advise

 From:  Michael Gibson
4781.5 In reply to 4781.1 
Hi Steve, also you wrote:

> but I think (I maybe wrong) to get complex subtle intricate
> models one has to start playing around with joining surfaces
> created via Loft,Revolve,sweep blend etc to form solids :)

And no, you're not wrong about this - for a lot of types of more complex models particular ones that have swoopy parts instead of blocky stuff you will be creating some portions out of a freeform surface command like Sweep and then incorporating that into part of your model.

I guess the main trick is that if you're planning on combining the pieces together by booleans and then putting fillets between them, it's easiest to make the pieces push through each other rather than barely skim right along each other. In a certain sense making things push through each other can simplify things a bit as well because you don't have to worry quite so much to set things up, you just let excess parts get sliced off and let new common edges between pieces get created by intersections.

- Michael