Instances ? Blocks ? When ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4671.3 In reply to 4671.1 
Basically the Rhino block mechanism is just copied directly from AutoCAD and I'm not entirely sure if it's a totally great mechanism to follow exactly in MoI.

There's a lot of various quirks - like for example in Rhino you can't just select a block as input to regular command like doing a boolean with one, so if you wanted to use blocks as way to set up some pattern that you then want to cut into an object and then do some update of the block to update the cut pattern that is not possible to do in Rhino.

I'm not entirely sure though if that case is better dealt with by a history mechanism instead or whether that kind of sub-object component thing is really needed to be directly a part of the block mechanism or what.

So that kind of uncertainty pushes blocks off for a bit as well in MoI.

- Michael