Fabric TOC in MoI

 From:  Bard (BFM)
A project of 5 FACES-TOC or BONNET (Hat-Cap-Bonnet with 5 sides in star) for litterate MANKIND, MAN-BEING.

I have used FLOW, for the "Claw, Griffe", on the frontal face, the brass mark or logo scratchs through the fabric; and also for the medieval Frieze, weaves in 2 colors for the "Crown, Coron, Goron" (Circle or Ring base under the Bonnet). The function "SWEEP" has been used for the 5 Bands or Ribbons (Listons), the Edges or Hems of the 5 sides; and one "Ropes-Pendant" with 40 plies, has been added to remind the trail of a shooting star.

The whole is a TOC or BONNET (HAT or CAP) planed for LAYMAN "Scientific in ARTS" (not "scientist", not "scholarly" in robbe, robbers, in gown or dress of Sectator) but it is a Hat, Toc or Bonnet of Mankind who has the head in harmony with the geodesic planets or Earth's system, the NATURE (Natural = Not overnatural, supernatural, churchy & other cretin). It's also that it is called, since some years, a "MIKI" (a Bret-Hat; Britanny-Cap), as some small Docker's Cap (very cerebral peoples; if they are?). My "Serengoron", "5-sides-Hat", is taller & more adorned that the ones we can found in trade, around ten Euros or a little more.

Of course, this TOC can be totally customized following the man's character & his totem, who wants to be well & clevering "caping" (well covered head; to have a head well made)... To avoid the boilings or vapor's head to go away.

Note: To find a good fabric texture is not simple; so the one that I have built with full small pieces, has some imperfections; like a fabric weaves by hand.... As, "Perfection is not Mankind"; so... it's okay for me...
At least; the choice of the background is dictated by the sense of "LIVING", because the WOOD is the LIFE.

EDITED: 30 Oct 2011 by BFM
