New Twist command coming

 From:  Michael Gibson
4614.54 In reply to 4614.50 
Hi PaQ,

> Not really, I think it's a kind of weight system used to describe tcb curves ?
> I remember having this kind of -1/+1 settings in lw graph editor long time ago.
> Here's an illustration, with the preset settings (and the in/out value)

Thanks for the examples - yeah I guess that with those -1/+1 settings that's probably controlling one of the parameters for a tcb curve for the blending function.

I'll see about experimenting with something similar in MoI - I'll probably need something just a bit different than the regular tcb curve because the transition probably needs to be just a little more gradual by default in order for twisting just the middle part of an object to work very well.

But anyway the tcb curve type method gives me something more concrete to focus on, that's a lot more simple than a full function curve editor mechanism.

- Michael