New Twist command coming

 From:  Michael Gibson
4614.42 In reply to 4614.40 
Hi Danny, I don't know - I kind of don't like to make the command take up an extra step just for that purpose... It means that every use of the command will require and extra thing to do to finish it.

I guess it depends on whether you're in a kind of experimental mode or not - if you just want to twist something by a known angle the current method of just ending when the angle is entered keeps things nice and direct...

I'll have to think about that a bit more - I guess it's not really the kind of command that you'll need to be running really frequently so maybe an extra step is not too big of a deal. For some commands an extra step is really bad though - imagine for example if you had to do something special to accept a line after drawing the 2 points for it.

- Michael