join is not joining everything

 From:  Michael Gibson
4605.8 In reply to 4605.6 
Hi Klingbeil,

> i tried joining everything and then showing the points but nothing happens.

Just to clarify - this is normal behavior, if you look at what points you were actually getting before you did the join you should be able to see that the points for each little hex are actually 4 points of a simple quad plane surface that is somewhat larger than the hex itself.

So 2 neighboring hexes that share a trim edge don't actually share surface control points in common - that's why when you join them it won't let you turn them on because if you pulled one of them it would yank the surfaces apart at what was supposed to be a joined shared edge.

You can show points on totally separate surfaces that are not joined to one another, or in some other special cases like on a box where all the surfaces that are joined actually have control points in common in their underlying surfaces.

- Michael