Make an outrigger canoe with woodden planks and..FLOW..

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Let's try new tool FLOW in a complex situation
there are many ways to draw a 3d hull,i want one made by solid wooden planks.Now make half hull with a 3-profile sweep and 2 rails


this will be the surface flow target where i'll flow the solid planks.If you want to understand how the planks will flow take a look first to the flow surface's mesh.Hit export and select the surface.
the direction of the mesh rule the direction of the flowed planks


you see the front wiew:the mesh converges to the upper corner,if i flow now the end part of the planks will bended to the corner,and we'll loose too much the original size of them
so i'll make a new flow surface made of 5 profiles sweep and two rails


now compare the new mesh with the old one:see how is much more straight to the corner than before


new mesh not converge to the corner like before,so now we can make the planks,bevel them a little and flow


see that flowed planks follow the target mesh.Now make the rest of the canoe.Sweep the main central plank,copy and use it to cut the final part of the planks in excess


now make the outrigger frame,see projecting a line to obtain the shape of the inner hull


than mirror half hull..that's all.I like it !! I know..need more accuracy and care but is a try...


Using flow,in this case,we loose the original section of the planks,at the end,but working better on the target flow surface could give better results
so guys,take a look at the mesh target to kown how flow will work ( Michael tell us if i speak right...)
Now put the outrigger home..


(my apologize for elementary english:Mauro )