Aircraft Wing Root Fillet

 From:  Michael Gibson
4488.5 In reply to 4488.4 
Hi John, so one thing that will make things more complicated is that your leading edge of your wing has little thin slivery surface fragment in it.

You can see it if you zoom in a bit on this area here:

There's a little slivery surface in there:

You probably want to get that wing constructed more cleanly without that little slivery piece in there - possibly you have something like some generator curves used to create that surface were made up of some small sub segments instead of just one smooth single segment curve - when you have multiple joined segments in your curves that will usually produce segmented face output as well. You want to do things like draw one long curve instead of multiple sub segments, or use the Rebuild command to remove segmentation.

Anyway, along with that little sliver means that the big edge pieces of that wing don't quite come to a single touching point as well, they've got a little tiny edge in between them.

- Michael