Aircraft Wing Root Fillet

 From:  Aeromod (JOHNDENT)
4488.44 In reply to 4488.43 
Hi prop_design !

I took courage from your earlier post !

I can truly say that I learnt a lot from this exercise. I found that I was rushing at things - and missing screen prompts - so I took a deep breath and slowed down.

One thing I discovered - I had not really fully understood the original wing geometry.

In the front view the profile of the wing has straight line top and bottom - but in plan view there is a kink in the leading edge. Therefore the wing root section cannot simple be scaled from the mid-wing (or tip) sections.

Yep - accuracy is paramount - if your geometry is out things just will not work.

I will probably go back (at some stage) and start again.

There's an old joke in the UK -City Type to Local Resident --- " How do I get to ?????"

Local Resident to City Type ---- "Well, I wouldn't start from here"

Thanks again for your feedback
