Aircraft Wing Root Fillet

 From:  BurrMan
4488.30 In reply to 4488.23 
Hi Danny,

"""""""""""""BTW you could try a tiny fillet on that trailing edge before the union and main fillet that should get rid of that fillet abnormality."""""""

Yeah, I tried that.. It works with a smaller fillet, but trying to do that huge "2 inch" fillet still produces that buggard up trailing edge...

I think a Variable fillet command will allow it to get the results desired. Like Michael mention, I think the desired result would be to have the fillet "ignore" that corner patch and just meet itself..

Here is a screenshot of a variable fillet in ViaCAD using a "by position option":

This is one in my CAM package that has a notoriously weak fillet engine (It's more of a CAM package, with Simple "solid modeling" adding in:

If I add any value other than "0" in this one, the corner patch buggers up also...

Punchcad produced a nice result!

Funny, Michael always states that MoI can be a nice "companion" to Rhino.. I have been considering buying Rhino to be a Companion to MoI!!! (Never really get it's interface or methods, but the plethera of advanced commands can be accessed for single shot methods, while we wait for MoI to get some of these...

I've been hemming and hawing on my companion to choose, so havnt done it yet... I have been looking at a couple, but just havnt taken the plunge yet.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN