Flow Test

 From:  Michael Gibson
4487.62 In reply to 4487.57 
Hi Bard,

> To illustrate my problem, the mapping of the TORUS never
> arrives to the full height of the sphere or half-sphere or I
> don't arrive to have a circular deformation of the Torus on
> the sphere.

The problem you're running into there is that Flow uses the full "underlying surface" which may be somewhat more extended than what you see in its shaded result if you have done some operation that produces trimmed surfaces.

Please see this previous post for an explanation:

Is it possible for you to post your 3DM file in addition to the screenshot? It helps to have a 3DM file so I can examine your actual model geometry.

But it looks like you're trying to use a trimmed surface as the base plane for the Flow - Flow works off of the full underlying rectangular surface and doesn't pay any attention to trims. Most of the time you will want to draw a plane for the base surface using one of the commands from Draw solid > Plane - those make simple untrimmed surfaces and for those planes Flow will be using the same thing that you see on the screen.

If you select your disc plane surface and turn on surface control points using Edit > show pts, you should be able to see what the full underlying surface looks like which is the one actually used by Flow. It's probably a bit larger than the surface so you may need to zoom out a ways to see its points.

- Michael