Sunglasses with Flow

 From:  Michael Gibson
4471.15 In reply to 4471.1 
Hi Mauro - the part of your Sunglasses steps here where you applied the lightbulb gave me an idea for a new "projective" mode for Flow which I've been working on for the past week here, and it seems like it is turning out pretty well.

It will be an additional mode for Flow where instead of stretching from surface to surface it instead beams the object onto a target by projecting along the base surface's normals.

Here's an example (here using some shapes that Felix posted previously):

So the position and angle of the base plane are significant with this mode, since the object is projected along the surface normals of the base plane.

Here's another example:

The other interesting thing about this mode is that it can work to project across joined surfaces instead of only on a single surface target like the current Flow, the surfaces do need to be smooth to each other though or else you'll get a messy result.

It should be good for applying stuff like decals where you want to apply it to a more localized area rather than having it stretch across the full surface.

- Michael