V3 beta Aug-24-2011 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.18 In reply to 4438.5 
Hi niko,

> You did mention in another thread that you would definitely
> incorporate continuity options for the network surface command.

Actually what I really want to have first is a separate "Match" command that will allow you to modify 2 surfaces to be smooth to one another, no matter which particular command was used to create them.

Then possibly at some point that could get built in to the Network command but that may not be necessary.

> Is this still the case and you're saving this feature for
> another build, or have you abandoned that idea for this
> version of MOI(I pray to the NURBS Gods that you didn't)?

I haven't abandoned it, I just have not had a chance to work on that yet.

- Michael