photos to 3D model? (objects and not architecture)

 From:  Michael Gibson
4421.2 In reply to 4421.1 
Hi dooki, that process of generating 3D models from photos is called "photogrammetry" , so try searching using that term to find a bunch of stuff related to that.

Autodesk recently released something along those lines here:

One thing to note is that usually these apps will generate polygon mesh output and not NURBS surface output, so most of the time the data that is generated would be the kind that goes into a polygon modeling or rendering program not the kind of data that MoI works with directly.

So I guess that those probably won't quite fit the process that you're looking for if you want to bring the results into MoI - you'll need one of those kind of fancy reverse engineering solutions for constructing NURBS surface data from the polygon mesh data for that to work.

See here for some links to some of those reverse engineering apps:

- Michael