Moi and Ubuntu

 From:  SurlyBird

Just for fun, I recently revived a 10-year-old PC by installing Linux on it (Ubuntu 13.10 running lxde or xfce depending on how I am feeling at the moment). I had a few display driver shenanigans to sort out early on to get anything to run acceptably, but overall it's been a smooth transition. One of the biggest tests (and a major win, in my opinion) is to see if I can run MoI using WINE. I am happy to report that with my first try, I launched MoI and it runs really well - definitely usable in a production environment.

Performance has been so good, my goal now is to repeat the process on my wife's old Dell laptop which has been gathering cobwebs. It's pretty fun to breathe new life into old hardware and to actually make it useful and productive again.