Moi and Ubuntu

 From:  TpwUK
This is sounding good news for me. I have been using Rhino since its early days and it's the one app that keeps tied to windows. I have a couple of questions though ...

1. New Ubuntu and Mint flavours of linux have a kernel mod that enables 32bit platforms to take advantage of systems with more than 4gb RAM, does moi see this and use it, or is that something done at kernel level ?

2. Has anyone tried rendering with blender/yafaray combination with an exported mesh from Moi, is it reliable and stable ?

I much prefer Linux to windows, and Linux's ability to address >4gb with 32bit platform is fantastic, this could be the solution i have been searching for for the last 5 years. If it works, then I will definitely spend - I am a landscape garden designer and i love the speed and accuracy i get with NURBs but i also need stability with large models. I would prefer a native linux app with no translation layers at all, but wine will do as long as it can handle the strain. My Rhino3d v4 and Vray cant hack the pressure on a 64bit windows environment which i need with windows to get all my RAM.

As a footnote, as far as i am aware AMD/ATI are now doing their very own Linux drivers for all their recent graphics cards and ATI has a better pedigree with OpenGL if i remember from the old days 3DSmax and Autodesk were supplied drivers with ATI cards, hopefully we will be going back to those days ... NVidia = Games ... ATI = Design

Martin Spencer-Ford