Moi and Ubuntu

 From:  Michael Gibson
4409.6 In reply to 4409.5 
Hi Roger, that's great that it's working well for you so far!

Yes, one nice thing about how WINE works is that it loads a windows program's code and executes the code directly, so that makes it run fast and with pretty low overhead.

But the one issue that you may run into is that if you didn't install any video driver you are probably running under the software OpenGL stack where all the 3D display stuff is being calculated by the CPU instead of actually using the video card's GPU. That can tend to be quite a bit slower than using the GPU.

But that ship that you showed a screenshot of looks complex enough to be a good test - if that seems to display quickly enough when you're rotating the view around then you should be set I think.

One way you can tell if you're using software-only OpenGL instead of actually using your GPU is if you run MoI from a terminal window, by cd'ing to the MoI program folder and using the command line:
wine moi.exe

That will spew out some various information in the terminal and if it say something like "warning using Mesa software only OpenGL, no hardware acceleration available" or something along those lines then that means that you're not ending up using the GPU.

- Michael