New Feb-26 beta available now

 From:  tyglik
437.35 In reply to 437.9 
Hi David,

>>And a wish: It´s posible to keep the same distance when I´m drawing a polyline?

I hope you are still looking for command that allow you to draw a polyline with the same length of segments... If not... hehe..

- Create \user subdirectory in the ..\MoI beta Mar-9-2006\commands directory
- Unzip the file "" into the new \user directory
- If you use a keyboard along with a mouse, you can define a shortcut - go to your moi.ini (C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini) and add a keyboard shortcut in the [Shortcut Keys] section - for example:
- If you use a tablet, you can move the file "HelpMenu.htm" from \user directory to ..\MoI beta Mar-9-2006\ui (actually you have to let the file overwrite). You will be able to launch the command from help menu, then.

After calling this new command you can choose from three constraint mode for drawing a polyline - distance constraint, angle constraint or both of them. If you don't want to use one of them, you just type 0 (zero) or delete a value.

Let's hope that there aren't serious bugs...It appears to work fine.
