Sketch Tool

 From:  Michael Gibson
4364.2 In reply to 4364.1 
Hi Marc,

> While using the sketch tool, maybe the automatic
> dragging of object could be temporarily disabled?

It actually should do that already - while you are in the Sketch command you are not supposed to be able to select or drag objects with the mouse.

Are you possibly running into this when you've got the "Repeat" checkbox enabled and you're rapidly sketching a number of curves in sequence? It looks like in that case if you do a drag in the small window of time after the current Sketch command ends and before it automatically restarts then it is possible to get object selection going - to avoid this for now pause for just a moment in between brush strokes when you are using repeat mode. I'll take a look at tuning this up so that it doesn't happen with rapid brush strokes though.

> Also having the right click temporarily disabled while using
> sketch would be nice.

I'll take a look at that too.

> b'splines are more fun than bezier for tweaking shapes in my opinion.

Yeah, it's kind of surprising to me that 2D illustration programs never transitioned from Beziers to NURBS since they are related technologies. Basically NURBS builds on top of Beziers and makes it possible to have a smooth curve with more than 4 control points in it. Beziers work more like a bunch of little 4 point curves kind of pasted together at their endpoints and that segmentation kind of ends up showing up in the shape since there is a kind of break in a certain kind of smoothness (curvature) in between the segments.

- Michael