Do you feel it?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.227 In reply to 4363.226 
Hi Felix,

> At least the idea of flipping the normal using a check
> box wasn't a bad idea after all.

Yeah that part should probably be fine.

The thing that could get sort of messy would be if there were 3 checkboxes like "Flip U", "Flip V" as well as "Flip surface normal". That's getting to be kind of a lot of flip options and you may not even know in advance which particular direction is the U and which is the V.

So that's why it could be better if the U and V alignment could be done by paying attention to where you clicked on each surface to - it could flip U and V directions as needed so that the corners that you clicked on would get aligned to one another.

That's what I think I'm going to try anyway, we'll see if it will work out ok or not.

- Michael