Do you feel it?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.16 In reply to 4363.15 
Hi Burr,

> So that area is replacing the clciking on the "name" of the
> style part for selecting all of a style?? (Opening that area up)

Yup, that's right - then I want to use clicking on the name to open up a pop up menu that could have a few different actions on the menu.

> Selection filter on "Types" also??

Yup the plan is for the filter mechanism to work on any section - either "Objects" (for named objects), "Types" or "Styles".

That will allow you to do things in combination, like set a filter on Style = Red and also on Type = Curve, and then go and window select an area in the viewport and that would only grab red curves that are within the window and ignore any other objects.

Being able to use different kinds of categories (like "Styles" and "Types") in combination with each other like that is one of the cool aspects of MoI's organization tools.

Then I think pushing the Escape key will clear the filter if any filter is set, that will be a shortcut for removing the filters as an alternative to going back and ctrl+clicking on each one.

- Michael