Special "point on a curve" editing

 From:  BurrMan
Hi Michael,
I just rediscovered the special "point on a curve" editing for movment while points are showing, and had a question. It seems to do mostly what I want, but wanted to see if an option was possible.. I was looking for the ability to "lock a control point" in place and still allow the on curve edit.. It seems to take the nearest "4 points" to the grab and allow them to move (with some type of further less, closer more decision). If you are near and endpoint, it will move the endpoint...

I havnt thought this through completely but was wondering if we can "define" this area of movement? I was watching a solidedge video and they showed a technique of actually showing "2 sets" of points in edit points mode.. One as is now in MoI and another set of points on curve (Maybe these could be the definable entity?)

Anyway, I see this as adding benefit to tracing operations where I am trying to get curves to match something like a bitmap, faster.. Let me know.
