Modeling of a Mobius strip?

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4326.7 In reply to 4326.6 
Cool try!
Model by Danny

if you are interested I have made this little prog :)
It's for Processing (free) but you can adapt for any language :)
A little fractal effect
Just put your image in the Data folder and copy past these few lines : it's all ;)
size(1024,512);                                  // your image's size in pixel
PImage pilou = loadImage("your image.png");     // any image with a subject + transparent background
 int t = 8;                                    //  minimum height size in pixel
for (int k = 8; k < 513; k = k + t) {      // increase width and height
   for (int y = 0; y < 513; y = y + k) {  //position x,y of each new image on the screen
     for (int x = 0; x < 1023; x = x + k*2) {
     image(pilou,x,y,k*2,k) ;             // draw an reducted image at the x,y position on the screen
     }                                   // end loop x
  }                                     // end loop y
filter(INVERT);                        // invert colors between each new screen, you can erase it
t=t+8;                                // increase  height size in pixel can be anything
}                                    // end loop k
image(pilou,0,0);                   // draw at the end your image :)

Have fun fractalising !

a little model by me :)

EDITED: 1 Sep 2011 by PILOU