A Little help needed.

 From:  Michael Gibson
43.3 In reply to 43.1 
> Can't find the bug list, again I don't know if it's me being a muppet but
> I don't know what is and isn't a known bug.

There isn't really an official public "known bug" list yet. I've been trying to fix bugs as they have been reported to keep the list down anyway.

But fillets are a tricky area in general - it is common to have problems with the calculation of fillets especially on complex areas, such as surfaces with lots of small ripples or bumps in them, or places where many different surfaces come together at a point or shared edges...

You just need to have things as clean and simple as possible to increase the chances of filleting working.

I can't really tell exactly what you're specifically running into, though - if you have something that you want to fillet but can't, please post the model here so I can take a look at the model and give you some more specific advice on how to approach it.

There is actually an update to filleting coming in the next beta (probably on Monday), so that should help a little.

> Re: Sweeps

It's hard to tell what's going on from that image, please post the model file and that will help to be able to give you some advice.

It can be kind of difficult to get the hang of NURBS modeling techniques at first, even though I've tried to make MoI easy to use, I still wouldn't really say that stuff like filets and sweeps are exactly easy, there is still a learning curve involved. Which is difficult right now with the beta since there isn't any proper documentation or tutorials right now. You may want to look on the web for some Rhino tutorials, a lot of those will apply to MoI pretty well also.

Anyway, please post some models relating to your questions, that will help!

- Michael