Copy command

 From:  Michael Gibson
4282.7 In reply to 4282.6 
Hi Ditto, actually MoI does use your Windows locale settings - it calls a Windows function named GetLocaleInfo() to retreive which character is currently set as the decimal separator in the Windows language settings.

> System locales are set to France.

The default decimal character for the France locale is the comma, but you can customize it to only change that one character using the system dialog I showed above, while keeping all the other settings the same.

> But this does not change the decimal separator on the numeric keypad.

It doesn't matter to MoI what the numeric keypad is set to do - MoI looks at the setting for what character is specified as the decimal separator in Windows locale settings.

If that's set to a comma as it will be with default French settings, then MoI will parse something like 0,5 as the fractional number 1/2 . Again this goes by your system locale settings, not by what your numeric keypad generates.

- Michael