MoI for Architectual modeling

 From:  tyglik
428.25 In reply to 428.17 
Hi Michael,

>> there anything specific that you can pinpoint that makes it feel non-intuitive to you?

Maybe, I used an inapt word to describe it, but...
I think it is because (1) I must enter the number of copies first and (2) command doesn't allow me to rearrange the spacing and/or change a number of copies (it just terminates after entering all necessary data).
I would like to make a rectangular array using this workflow:
-Select a object to array
-Draw a rectangle or box to define a spacing
-The prompt with input field of default number of copies would appear along with points that would stand for a corner of cell (number of points would correspond to prompt's default number of copies)
-Now, I could change the number of copies either by typing value in the input fields or draging something like the corner grip (grips(?)) so rows or/and columns would (dis)appear according to previous given spacing.
