Free Autodesk

 From:  Michael Gibson
4247.79 In reply to 4247.77 
Hi PaQ,

> Maybe it's a data precision problem, the log file report
> this : 'La conversion de la chaƮne "0.0173325" en type
> 'Single' n'est pas valide' (sorry for the french).

Probably not precision, but more likely an internationalization bug - you must have a locale set in Windows that uses the comma character as the decimal point separator?

That program is probably expecting then that numeric data should use a comma as the decimal separator, but that's not the case in OBJ files - OBJ use the period as the decimal separator for numeric values.

Try switching your Windows locale setting to English, or possibly just set the decimal separator setting to a period (as shown in this post here: and then maybe that other program will work.

If that does work, then that's a bug in that program, it's using a locale-specific number parsing method instead of using a method that will always use the period as the decimal separator.

> 123D didnt work for my son at all, the viewport manipulation
> is to weird for him. It was funny to see him bitching about all
> the popups too :)

I'm not too surprised, it's hardly different from their regular version which is targeted towards mechanical engineers basically...

I bet your son could learn it if he was introduced to it as part of a class instead of just trying to figure it out directly.

- Michael