Bug report

 From:  Jeff (USD5000000)
4244.7 In reply to 4244.6 
Thanks Michael. I'll start up the program with your scripts. BTW, I really appreciate how responsive you are to everyone's inquiries, problems, ....

A lot of my initial frustration with using MOI seemed to be surrounding the process and limitations of nurbs modelling. Is there a quick start guide to the thinking/modelling process? I think if I think in terms similar to CNC it may be the right approach. i.e. take a slab, dimension it, carve/trim off what's not wanted and then add in detail (fillets, ...) Also, what the recommended process is to do these things. i.e. I found out I can't just draw curves on two sides of a solid, loft them then boolean trim them. It took me a LONG time to figure out that this confuses CAD software. Now I know that I make a larger trimming surface and use that to trim the solid.

Also, what would be a simple program to learn polygon modelling? Is this related to "box" modelling that I see mentioned? Is box-modelling taking a polygon-modeled box and deforming it?

Sorry for the long-winded email. Riding the learning curve is sometimes a frustrating experience.
