Mark's Ships

 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
4184.16 In reply to 4184.10 
>Don, I enjoyed looking through your website. Your pencil drawings are brilliant. Do you use MoI with TurboCad?<

I am glad that you enjoyed the pencil drawings. I must confess that it has been a long time since I created any new pencil drawings, but I used to enjoy the process very much.

With regards to using MoI with TurboCAD. Not too often, but when shapes more organic in nature are required (and are not possible in TC) then I use MoI. I export from MoI in stp format and open in TC without issue. The two programs really work well together. Anything I create in MoI that requires rendering can be brought into TurboCAD and rendered there, so that is a bonus as well.

Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations