Marking menu?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4158.2 In reply to 4158.1 
Hi Nick - those have always seemed somewhat complex to me... Just kind of in general the concept of popping up a whole lot of stuff kind of right smack in your face like that is kind of non-MoI-ish.

But in the future I would like to have some kind of an option for some pop up UI, but probably targeting something pretty simple like just a toolbox where you could put some of your most frequently used tools.

I don't doubt that what you show there can be used quite efficiently when you have memorized the tool positions, but it's likely that beginning users will actually suffer just from the unusual UI structure. So focusing on that kind of UI would probably leave behind a certain amount of beginning users and also just more casual users who may only use MoI occasionally and would not end up investing enough time to reach the good level of having all those positioned memorized.

Things that rely heavily on memorization for maximum effectiveness kind of tend to be harmful to beginning and casual users like that.

- Michael