It's been at least a week since the fillet engine has bitten me. =P

 From:  Michael Gibson
4156.8 In reply to 4156.1 
Hi Chris, I've attached a filleted version of your last revision. I think it should work for you but please take a close look over it to make sure.

So in digging through what was going on, it seems like the filleting engine is deciding on some of those letters that are made up of longer surfaces to calculate the wrong fillet, one that doesn't match up with the others.

Imagine for example if you have 2 surfaces that extend through each other like an "X" type shape, there are 4 different possible fillets that can be put into an X like that, like:

It's not quite exactly like that but it's similar to that - and when the surface/surface fillet is wrongly chosen for a particular edge it disrupts the whole fillet because that piece does not match up with all the other parts that were calculated correctly.

Anyway, this ends up happening in your cases here where the surfaces are kind of long, so to get it to fillet right now I extracted the faces for the pieces that did not fillet in your last revision file, and untrimmed them so that they were in the pre-booleaned state, then filleted the side wall directions with a slightly larger 0.01 unit fillet to do that technique I wrote about just above. Then unioned it into the main piece and trimmed off the outside part. Some of them would now fillet at 0.008 after that, but some of them needed to be split up into a few smaller surface pieces in order to avoid that bug I was describing here. So for example the Y letters I split at the tips of their rounded ends.

It's going to be a longer and more involved process to try and track down and fix the actual bug, and I'm probably going to wait to pursue that further until after I merge in the most up to date version of the geometry library for MoI v3 which has some various filleting fixes in it as well, which hopefully will generally improve things but I have yet to see about that.

The bug may also be some tolerance thing related to the small size of the fillets, I'm not entirely sure about that though. But it could possibly be good to build this at 10x your final size and then scale the final result by 1/10, if you are going to have a lot of fillets at around 0.01 units in size.

But anyway the attached version should get you your model done for now, and it's probably a good idea to use that "pre fillet the side wall edges before booleaning" technique as described previously when dealing with this kind of text filleting in the future, I think that technique does help simplify things for the filleter.

- Michael