trim too

 From:  rich (RICHKEAR)
4129.6 In reply to 4129.5 

Thank you for pointing out the conflict in such a multipurpose tool. Obviously trying to make such a tool solve every problem would lead to the kind of bloat that you find in many other softwares. One of the joys of MOI3d, for me, is its clarity and uncluttered workspace. My suggestion would assist the drafting stage of process but perhaps not benefit the overall purpose of the software.

Thanks also for the examples and suggestions you make in regard to different approaches to the problem. Understanding the permutations of what can be done with a software helps broaden the users perspective and the users mind.

An alternate "Quicktrim" command or the possibility to assign a hotkey for such an action would be welcome by me, but not at the expense of diminishing the fluidity and and effectiveness of MOI3d.
