Import .obj as reference

 From:  PaQ

I know it has allready been discussed, but it's really so annoying there is no way to import an .obj in MoI. just finished a rush project about to build a complete mecha armor, and I had to skip Moi (again :')) for this project
because I cant get any reference backdrop.

Ok I could make some screenshot of the reference character, but that's a bit crazy to have blue print when a real model exist.
And the armor has to be so close to the body that I can't take any risk, or loosing time by making multiple export just to validate the shape.

So now I'm upset because I've lost 3 days of my life making stupid edge loopssss in Modo grrrrrr ... (I really hate modeling with polys now :))

The Obj23dmWireframe was not an option, because I really need a full shading ... for a visual comfort and accurary, and because I have constant feedback from my AD during the process.

Well ... if by any chance it's possible to have an hidden impot option, to just open .obj as a refence background, no need any snapping, texture ... just geometry, in maybe a special poly layer ... that would be so cool.

I fully undestand that I might confuse people to have uneditable geomtry, but in an other hand it will make a nice bridge with the poor polygon industry :)
