Wireframe Mode?

 From:  Michael Gibson
41.2 In reply to 41.1 
> What I really miss are Isopram - Wireframe mode for editing.

Eventually I think it will have this, but probably not for V1. I wanted to focus at first on making the shaded mode work smoothly. Having the hidden edges available to select should give you quite a lot of the capabilities of wireframe, although not quite all as you have discovered.

> Btw. It is impossible to bool a sphere - sphere if one of those is inside the other.

Not impossible, you're just not trying hard enough... ;)

3 different ways - one way is to do a window select from left to right that only captures the inner sphere. Another way is to click "hide" after you select the outer sphere, it will disappear and you'll be able to select the inner sphere as the object to subtract. The third way is to use "Select All" (or Invert) to get the inner sphere as the object to subtract.

But yeah, this area of having an object completely contained inside another is the main type of thing where wireframe mode would be helpful, the hidden edges don't help in this particular situation because you can't select an object initially by clicking on one of its hidden edges, you can only select them for the "drill-in" selection once the whole object has been selected by the first click.

- Michael