Some of the things I've created using Moi...

 From:  twofoot
4079.9 In reply to 4079.8 
>>nice work Chris, do you mind sharing which company you using for printing ?
>>Also I notice you use ripplon, do you also run MoI on Mac ? if yes what is your set up ?
>>thanks in advance.

Hi adamio, thanks for the compliment.

Normally, I use for my RP printing. They do a decent enough job and their pricing is quite fair. This part was WAY out of their league. I used John Vegher at to print this out on his Objet machine. When you have 16 micron resolution, the parts end up looking amazing.

I do indeed run Moi on my Mac Mini. I use Parallels Desktop v4 running WinXP for Moi. Everything else is native Mac software. I put dared to put WinXP on a Mac, I like Moi that much. LOL Moi makes STL meshes that rivals Solidworks in their quality.

