NX xform

 From:  Jamie (FUTUREPROOF)
4068.7 In reply to 4068.6 
Hi Michael

The UntrimAll plugin works perfectly. thankyou for taking the time to do it, a very happy customer here. Incidentally it is also useful for removing fillets. I also tested it untrimming an object from rhino to remove fillets.

One other thought and I have no idea how possible it is, when you explode and untrim you have the original surfaces so you can tweak with control points or move the entire surface but you have lost the associativity with the original curves that created it. So if it was a loft you cannot edit the loft curves and the surface update. Of course its not that difficult to recreate the surface if needed but it would be great if once exploded out of the solid the surfaces found the curves that made them so the remained editable.

thanks again
