Rendering options

 From:  Michael Gibson
4044.9 In reply to 4044.7 
Hi Jim,

> I'm kind of surprised that things are so creaky on this end.

The problem is that animation programs largely abandoned NURBS back around ~15 years or so ago in favor of sub-d modeling (which is better suited for stuff like characters/faces/organics stuff like that), so their support is kind of vestigial and was never really driven in such a way to target the best strengths of NURBS in the first place (mechanical / hard surface modeling).

That's why you can find a lot of discussions in animation forums about avoiding NURBS and "NURBS are useless", etc.. etc... - a lot of those people just don't realize that their animation-oriented tool only has kind of half baked and undeveloped NURBS support, and then they judge NURBS modeling based on that.

But yeah if you use it for the right kind of model (mechanical, generally man-made things, things with holes and cuts in them, ...) a NURBS toolset that tries to generally target those strengths can be great.

- Michael