Replace in place?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3974.5 In reply to 3974.4 
Hi Pilou,

> Ps Randomly was for the objects, not for the position who was fixed ;)

Right, so from what I understood you wanted to only replace some random quantity of the objects and not necessarily all of them.

The steps that I was talking about above should do that:
So use this script to place the target points (randomize the selection if you want first), delete the objects, and then use Petr's command to copy a new object to those points.

If you don't want to replace all objects but only some random subset of them, start with all of the target objects selected, then use that randomize selection script which will deselect some random objects (and so those deselected will not be replaced), and then continue on with the steps to replace just the remaining selected objects.

If that's not the kind of randomness that you need, I guess I'll need some additional explanation.

- Michael