How can I make this rim

 From:  Michael Gibson
3946.2 In reply to 3946.1 
Hi Rudl, for something like that you'd probably want to start with an initial full shape created by Construct > Revolve, and then carve holes in it using Boolean Difference.

See this previous thread for some illustrations and steps:

For some of the areas where you have a kind of recessed area that is not a full hole, you would do a similar process but instead of cutting the base wheel with a curve in the boolean difference (which makes a hole all the way through) for those you want to do an extrusion of those curves where the extruded pieces only go to the depth you want the recessed part to end up with. Then you use those extruded pieces as the cutting objects in Boolean Difference as well.

Hopefully that previous thread should give you some good ideas on an approach though.

- Michael