MoI finds a home

 From:  falcon76
3892.28 In reply to 3892.26 
Sorry I probably misunderstood, but I receive an email in my language (italian) that say that.

ASSORTIMENTO DAL 1/6/2010 (nuove specifiche ivi indicate)

1) Alibre 12.1 Personal = 99 Euro
(attenzione: simile allo Standard ma consente una sola installazione anzichè tre - come resta viceversa possibile con i seguenti Professional ed Expert - e privato di import STEP, IGES, SAT, Rhino, nonchè delle funzionalità avanzate di messa in tavola - sezioni, dettagli, ecc. - e distinta pezzi/materiali)

(attention: similar to Standard but only for a single installation instead of three - .... - and without STEP, IGES, SAT, Rhino import,....

So probably I'm stupid but that was what I read from that email. Anyway good to know.