mesh edges not aligned when exporting Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
3869.32 In reply to 3869.29 
Hi Flashfire,

> Unsure if importing as an .lwo into C4D works better then riptide plugin as .obj.

If you're going to be editing it, it shouldn't make any difference one way or the other.

But if you're going to be rendering the model directly you should use .obj format for that since that will preserve vertex normal information which helps the shading look the same as the original NURBS model, since the normals used for shading actually come directly from the original NURBS surface in that case.

I don't think that C4D knows how to read the vertex normals out of an .lwo file (until the last few years it was not really something that was found in LWO files), so it will instead cook up the vertex normals for smooth shading by averaging the normals of surrounding faces which is not really as nice as using the normals from the original NURBS model.

If you edit the model at a vertex or face level, it will invalidate any existing vertex normals and cook up new ones though, so that's why if you are editing it, it won't make any difference.

- Michael