Object grouping and organization.

 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
384.19 In reply to 384.13 

Naming objects and groups of them though is a important part of organizing. If I'm modeling a castle, and want to hide everything but the north tower, having a name allows me to see this, and in a heirarchy tree, I can show it, and hide the others. I don't have to remember that the North tower is the green box 4 levels down.

Colors are cute, but it's easy to run out of them. In a complex scene, and the fact selecting currently changes the color of the item selected, how many objects till "Pumpkin" becomes indistinguishable from "Orange"? It can quickly become difficult to tell closely related colors apart, especially since silo has shading. So "Orange" in the shadow may look like brown.

Minimizing keyboard interaction is good, but I want labels.

I want my tank model to have a "Barrel" group, and a "Turret" group, and a "Tread" group. And I may want to assign a custom color. And I want my reference image, and starting curves assigned to a different layer so I can hide/show them as needed.

And trees of heirarchal boxes leads to box shuffling hell, as you move them up and around, and organize them. Anyone who has dealt with filesystems knows this.