Curves from solids... flattened (a section cut for autocad)

 From:  Michael Gibson
3836.5 In reply to 3836.3 
Hi Rado,

> I was hoping that there would be a way to take a
> solid and somehow derive all of the lines that were
> used to create the solid.

When you say: "all of the lines that were used to create the solid", are you talking about the edges of the solid, or something else?

It's possible for solids to be created in several different ways, for example you can just draw a box without actually starting by drawing curves first. So it's not always the case that solids are created by drawing curves initially.

But solids do have edge curves which are part of their structure - if that's what you are talking about then selecting them and doing a Ctrl+C copy followed by a Ctrl+V paste will duplicate the edges as regular curve objects that are separate from the solid.

- Michael