add elements to an object

 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.14 In reply to 3830.12 
Hi FiL, do you possibly have your "Program Files" folder on some drive other than the C: drive?

Right now there isn't any way set up for a script to know where MoI is installed, so this command just assumes that it is installed in C:\Program Files\MoI 2.0 , or C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 2.0 .

So if you have it installed somewhere else (like on the D: drive or something like that) you'll need to edit the command so it can find the file. To do this, open the AssignPresetNameDialog.htm file up under notepad, and go to the spot that says:

if ( i == 0 )
    filename = 'c:\\Program Files\\MoI 2.0\\commands\\PresetNames.txt';
    filename = 'c:\\Program Files (x86)\\MoI 2.0\\commands\\PresetNames.txt';

And change the folder there to go to your actual "Program Files" folder, and then that should make it work. Note that in a script string, a \ character starts an escape sequence (like \t means a tab character), so you need to put in a double \\ to make an actual single \ character in a script string.

I've made a note to make a method available for scripts to call so they can know the folder where MoI.exe is running from so that when a script wants to load a separate data file like this it will be able to work more easily.

Let me know if that was not the problem.

- Michael